Brain & Behavior
Heisenberg Group
neural networks for vocalization and hearing
This is the webpage of the Hechavarria lab (a.k.a. Brain & Behavior (B&B) group). The lab is part of Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) in Frankfurt am Main in collaboration with the Goethe University (Biology Faculty, FB15). We are a "Heisenberg Group", established through the Heisenberg initiative of the German Research Council.
Our main goal is to understand the neural networks that give raise to natural behaviors, with a strong focus on the neural networks that enable vocalization and hearing in mammals. We rely on electrophysiology, computational modelling, brain perturbation techniques, and behavioral measurements. Our research is conducted in non-human animal models (bats, gerbils, rats, mice), humans, and brain organoids. We always have several research projects running in parallel. These projects are conducted by Postdocs, PhD, master, and bachelor students under the supervision of Julio C. Hechavarria.

Ernst Strüngmann Institut gGmbH