Grants and Stipends
1. Heisenberg Award of the German Research Council to Julio Hechavarria (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 525004430).
2. German Research council grant. Vocalization related activity in fronto-motor-striatal networks in bats (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 525183217)
3. German Research council grant as part of the LOOPS initiative. Neural networks for Dynamic Efficient Coding in bats (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 520223571).
4. German Research council grant. Functional coupling between auditory and frontal cortices in bats studying neural network dynamics in vocalizing bats. Second 3-year term. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 275755787)
5. German Research council grant . Stimulus-specific mechanical adaptation in the inner ear during repatitibe stimulation. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 423692108
1. German Research council grant. Context-dependent responses in the bat auditory cortex. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 428645493)
2. Polytechnische Gesellschaft Stipend to Ava Kiai (Mein Campus Doctus Stipendium).
3. Joachim Herz Fellowship to Francisco Garcia-Rosales
4. German Research council grant. Dynamic coding of temporal information in the auditory cortex and midbrain of echolocating bats. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 236588873)
5. German Research Council. Funding for international conference on Subcortico-cortical loops in sensory processing and perception. €20, 000. Livia de Hoz & Julio Hechavarria.
6. German Research council grant. Functional coupling between auditory and frontal cortices in bats studying neural network dynamics in vocalizing bats. First 3-year term. (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Projektnummer 275755787)
7. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Fellowship to Julio Hechavarria, Institute of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany. € 32,000. Doctorate Stipend.